Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Clinton mischief

Senator Hillary Clinton is up to the elite bureaucratic behind the scenes mischief as usual. The article by Brad Watson of WFAA-TV posted at, delves into Senator Clinton’s attempt to save her campaign, but he played it a little to safely. Watson comes across as very casual in his explanation of the Senator’s actions. The super-delegates are assumed to be off limits to persuasion and are expected to vote as they see fit. Although, it is expected that the candidates will try and influence an election through the delegates, but there is a limit to the influence. Senator Clinton is bordering on unethical. Senator Obama has fewer super-delegates than Senator Clinton, but he argues they should reflect the voter.
Watson should have explored more of the shady aspect of Senator Clinton’s dealings. It seems as if he is reporting on the issue and ignoring the other side and every issue has two sides. Reporters should always present both sides of an issue without bias. This is one of the biggest problems with today’s journalistic media.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

McCain tastes victory ?

This is an interesting article stating the current standings of the republican candidates. The article ignores McCain and Huckabee's possible strategy to work together against Romney. Instead mentioning only Romney and Huckubee trailing, seeming somewhat lost with little forsight. It is suspected by many that Huckabee has a grudge against Romney. Huckabee knows his only chance in the White House involves pairing with McCain and possibly getting the a seat as the VP. Therefore, Huckabee is helping McCain get the nomination as to facilitate his plan. The article is from contributed by The Associated Press,