Monday, March 3, 2008

Obama and Clinton vs. Canada ?

David Ljunggren did a pretty good job at hiding his bias in his article about Senator Obama’s meeting with the Canadian government and the resulting rumors. As I read through the article I was naturally skeptical. The article was fairly neutral regarding the two Democratic candidates. However, about ¾ of the way through Ljunggren wrote, “Canada's right-leaning Conservative government of trying to interfere in the U.S. presidential election,” This line shows Ljunggren’s bias by leading one to believe that right-leaning Conservatives are devious and the cause of this confusion between Senator Clinton and Senator Obama. To the contrary, it is Senator Clinton who is the one who started the spread of this rumor. Ljunggren makes it sound as if Senator Clinton and Senator Obama are equally innocent and it is the big bad right-leaning conservative government that has gotten in between these two Democratic candidates to try and separate the party and create contention.

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